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Menjual dan membeli emas pelaburan (gold bar & dinar)

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Tempat Penyimpanan Emas

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Assalamualaikum Wbth,

Ada dikalangan pembeli emas membeli emas berkilo-kilo, agaknya dimanakah anda menyimpan emas tu ye !

Sebenarnya ada berbagai-bagai cara untuk menyimpan emas ni, ikutlah kreativiti anda semua tetapi jangan pula beritahu semua ye nanti jadi masalah pulak!

Di antara kaedah menyimpan emas ialah:

1. Menggunakan cara pajak gadai ( akan dibincangkan dlm artikel lain)
Ini adalah salah satu cara pajak emas dan simpan serta dapat duit.

2. Bank-Bank tempatan ada menyediakan kaedah dikenali sebagai safe deposit box
Saya ada juga bertanyakan tentang kaedah di atas di Public Bank tetapi setakat ini masih dalam senarai menunggu.
Rujuk sini untuk mengetahui syarat-syaratnya.
Ada berbagai-bagai jenis box dan caj penyimpanan untuk setahun iaitu
a. 3" X 5" X 24" RM100
b. 3" X 10" X 24" RM130
c. 5" X 10" X 24" RM160
d. 10" X 10" X 24" RM200

3. Ada beberapa syarikat yang menyediakan tempat untuk simpanan emas iaitu


NO Dimension of Safe Deposit Box VALUE PLAN


1 3” x 5” X 24” RM 130 RM 80
2 5” x 5” x 24” RM 150 RM 100
3 3” X 10” X 24” RM 170 RM 120
4 5” x 10” x 24” RM 200 RM 150
5 10” x 10” x 24” RM 250 RM 200
Rates may differ at different locations

Refundable Key Deposit RM 200
Stamp Duty on Agreement RM 10
Selected Numbers RM 100
Break Box Charge RM 250

Insurance cover for contents valued at up to RM 10,000 is provided. Additional coverage can be privately arranged for an extra RM 20 per additional RM 10,000 coverage, subject to a maximum of RM 80,000 per box.

Each Safe Deposit Box is fitted with a dual control lock, with two keyholes. This ensures that the custodian has to be present when any Safe Deposit Box is accessed. One key is for the customer, and the other is for the custodian. The custodian's key must be inserted before the customer's key can be used. It is impossible for the customer to remove their key without closing and locking their Safe Deposit Box.

Customers are also allowed to use personal locks as extensions to the safe deposit lock system provided.

4. Royal Safe Box (http://www.rsdb.com.my/)

Box Sizes and Rental Rates

Inclusive of Insurance Up to RM100,000.00 per Box*

Size (inches) Annual Rental Rates*
Royal 1- 5" x 5" x 23" RM 270.00
Royal 2- 3" x 10" x 23" RM 330.00
Royal 3- 5" x 10" x 23" RM 410.00
Royal 4- 10" x 10" x 23" RM 480.00
Service Charges

Refundable Key Deposit RM 250.00
Stamp Duty RM 20.00
* Safe Deposit Boxes Insured by ACE Synergy Insurance Berhad

Ada berbagai-bagai cara menyimpan emas terpulanglah kepada anda untuk memilihnya, di atas adalah salah satu daripadanya.

Pilihan terletak di tangan anda so buatlah pilihan yang bijak !!!

Jangan simpan wang kertas rugii....Bertukarlah kepada simpanan emas.

Monday, 21 March 2011

Tahukah anda, bahawa kebanyakan dari kita beranggapan pelaburan di ASB adalah yang paling selamat, dipercayai dan amat menguntungkan.

Jadi, bila ada duit, semuanya kita laburkan di ASB. Dengan keuntungan dividen 8-10% pada setiap tahun, ianya memang LUMAYAN. Labur RM 10,000 dapat untung RM1000! memang untung..
Akan tetapi, jika saya beritahu anda bahawa ada pelaburan lain selain dari ASB yang lebih menguntungkan, anda percaya?

Pelaburan apa? Betul ke ada pelaburan yang lebih menguntungkan dan selamat seperti ASB?
Ya, ada! Iaitu melalui pelaburan EMAS. Sebenarnya pelaburan emas ini sudah wujud lama. Cuma kita saja yang tidak menyedarinya.

Tahukah anda bahawa dengan melabur melalui pelaburan emas, keuntungan yang boleh diperolehi adalah lebih TINGGI.

Tahukah anda bahawa harga emas sentiasa menaik dari tahun ke tahun. Sebagai contoh, dari tahun 2006 ke 2007, dicatatkan kenaikan harga emas adalah sebanyak 33.3%. Wah sangat tinggi bukan? Jika ASB sekalipun, keuntungan paling tinggi yang boleh anda perolehi adalah dalam 10% setahun.
Tetapi pelaburan emas mampu mencapai 2 kali ganda daripada itu. Oleh sebab itu anda perhatikan tokey-tokey emas semakin kaya. Inilah sebabnya!

Berdasarkan carta kenaikan harga emas dunia sebanyak 284% dalam masa 10 tahun.Ini bermakna dalam setahun kenaikan harga emas adalah 28.4%.So marilah kita sama-sama mengambil peluang meningkat taraf ekonomi melalui pelaburan emas.


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Why Gold is a Good Investment

You might think why should I invest in gold, it doesn't pay me an interest, it's not backed by the government such as US bonds and it's subjected to wild volatility. Oh! By the way it's at an all time high!

Some people I talk to wonder if they've missed the boat in gold. They fear they've waited too long to buy gold stocks or there hasn't been a significant pullback in price to enter. When you look at the grand scheme of things, buying at these levels will be so insignificant 2-5 years ahead; gold is in a secular bull market. Buying gold as an investment for the purpose to preserve your wealth for what is too come is wise. Trading gold to make quick profits is not worth the stress; leave it up to the professional traders. I strongly believe the greatest wealth shift will happen in the coming years.

It's not too late to buy gold; ask your friends and family about gold as an investment, more likely they are not interested or they don't know about it. This is the way you want it, when the masses are not looking you are accumulating. There will be at some point in time where everyone will be talking about gold, your friends, family your neighbor even the taxi driver; it would be a mad frenzy to buy the golden relic. By that time you will know it's time to sell out. At the moment we are still far from that euphoric phase.

Why invest?

• The U.S. dollar - Since July 2001, the US dollar has plummeted as much as 36 percent against other major world currencies, and there's plenty of room for the dollar to keep falling. The massive U.S. government debt of $12.5 trillion, bailout commitments and guarantees from the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve equaling almost $13 trillion, a massive spending budget of $3.8 trillion and other government financial obligations is going to help push the dollar even further down the slope. Since gold is priced in dollars, as the dollar goes down, gold usually goes up.

• Gold in financial products - As the global financial crisis has worsened, investors have fled to the safe-haven of gold. In 2008, 320.9 metric tons of gold flowed into Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), a 27 percent increase over a year earlier. ETFs continued to grow in 2009 as investors bought a record 594.7 metric tons, an 85 percent increase over '08. As of October 2009, the total holding in ETFs was 1,750 metric tons, worth more than $48.6 billion. ETFs and similar products are now listed in exchanges in 12 countries.

• Gold in China and India - In 2007, China overtook the United States as the second-largest gold consumer in the world. Consumer demand reached 427.5 tons in 2009 - nine percent higher than 2008. China consumes more gold than it produces - this couldn't be more bullish for gold. The World Gold Council (WGC) forecasts that gold consumption in China could double in the coming decade as a result of rising demand for jewelry, hard-asset investments and industrial uses. China has reported it's boosted its gold reserves by 76 percent to 1,054 metric tons, becoming the world's fifth-largest holder of gold.

India's central bank recently purchased 200 tons of gold for $6.7 billion! India is the world's largest consumer of gold in tonnage terms, accounting for about 23 percent of global gold jewelry demand and about 11 percent of global net retail investment (gold bars and coins).

• Gold supplies are shrinking - The U.S. Geological Survey - a division of the Department of the Interior - recently announced that there are now fewer than 50,000 tons of proven gold reserves left in the ground worldwide that the world will run out of in-ground supplies of gold within 20 years. South Africa and Australia had the steepest production declines. South Africa's production dropping to its lowest level in 86 years, while Australia's gold production hit 19-year lows. And mine production has the potential to fall even further as the credit crisis continues to impact mining companies.

• Source: http://ezinearticles.com/?Why-Gold-is-a-Good-Investment&id=4275201

Dr. Mahatir Galak Rakyat Simpan Emas

Saturday, 12 March 2011

KUALA LUMPUR 17 Dis. - Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad menasihatkan orang ramai supaya menyimpan emas berbanding mata wang kerana nilai emas lebih terjamin dan sukar untuk jatuh.

Bekas Perdana Menteri itu berkata, nilai mata wang tidak terjamin kerana ia bergantung kepada pasaran tukaran mata wang dunia yang sentiasa berubah-ubah.

Menurutnya, ada kalanya nilai mata wang akan jatuh dengan teruk apabila berlaku sesuatu krisis kewangan di dalam sesebuah negara.

"Mata wang hanyalah sehelai kertas yang digunakan untuk mewakili nilai tertentu tetapi bukan nilai sebenar, namun emas boleh mewakili nilai sebenar kerana ia sebuah logam berharga di seluruh dunia.

"Simpanan emas lebih terjamin kerana fungsi komoditi itu sebagai penyimpan nilai kalis inflasi dan berdaya tahan terhadap ketidaktentuan ekonomi global yang sedang melanda ekonomi dunia ketika ini," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika ditemui pemberita selepas merasmikan Pelancaran Produk Emas Genneva Malaysia berkonsepkan syariah di sini, kelmarin.

Produk emas Genneva Malaysia dihasilkan dalam bentuk jongkong oleh Persatuan Persahabatan Malaysia-Arab Saudi (MSAF) dan Persatuan Usahawan Jongkong Emas Malaysia (GBEAM) yang dikeluarkan memenuhi keperluan Syariah.

MSAF dan GBEAM menyasarkan syarikat swasta dan orang ramai untuk mendapatkan produk berkenaan sebagai urusan dalam pelbagai transaksi terutamanya jualan dan belian.

Dr. Mahathir berkata, suatu ketika dahulu, satu auns emas bernilai AS$30 (RM109.79) tetapi kini satu auns emas bernilai kira-kira AS$1,400 (RM4,390.40).

Beliau berkata, perbezaan antara menyimpan emas fizikal dan emas yang siap diproses (barang kemas, syiling emas) adalah dari sudut keuntungan

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